HomeUncategorized24 Prettiest Baby Girl Names You Haven’t Heard Of Before

24 Prettiest Baby Girl Names You Haven’t Heard Of Before

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Looking for a pretty girl name that can make your daughter shine out just by name alone? A first name accessory of a girl that lasts a lifetime. It is because of this that you do not want the same name as every other person. Even though old names are getting popular once more, everyone does not wish their daughter to be just another Emma, Mia, Sophia, or something like it. We get that!

Noella: Noella is a perfect match for December babies. The male counterpart for it is Noel. It is a French girl’s name. This name’s meaning is a person who is born on Christmas. Merry Christmas, y’all! This pretty name comes with another charming version, Noelle, which is enchanting in its own way. This beautiful name is shared by the one and only, Noella Leduc, the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League player.

Leyla: this name is special for so many reasons. It is an Arab-Persian name. There are tons and tons of ways you can spell it, like, Leila, Lejla, Lajla, and Lailah. It has a special character in it too. Specials characters like “y”, “z”, and “x”, just make the names prettier and unique. They add something extra to the name. The thing that really makes this name special is the romantic tale of “Laila and Majnu” behind it. It is an Arab version of Romeo and Juliet. The name means, “the night”. This name is also popular among the Turkish. In Turkish, it is related more to the word “laylak” which means lilac or delicate purple.

Diamond: It is an English word that can be used as a unisex name. The word has Greek and Latin roots, and it means “The unconscious one”. Diamonds are indestructible and they are absolutely stunning too. This name is a perfect fit for someone precious, strong, and beautiful. It is also said that the meaning of the name reflects in the personality of its owner. There is nothing more irresistible than a woman who is gorgeous and unaware of her beauty.

Seraphina: Seraphina is a name in the Hebrew language. It is the female version of Seraphim. Seraphim are sorts of angels that Isaiah saw hovering above God’s throne, in his vision. They had three pairs of wings. They covered their eyes with one pair of wings. They covered their feet with another pair. The last they used to fly. Seraphina name has a mythical and magical feel to it. It is a divine name. The heavenly creatures that the name comes from, will leave a lasting impression on all who hear it.

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Elva: Elva is a Swedish name that means “the elves”. Elves are the favorite mythical beings of every modern fantasy fan girl. Elva also has its origin in Gaelic where it means “white”. Both of these meanings remind us of all of those fantasy elves with their beautiful, long, white hair. Elves are such royal creatures, and this name suits the little one who is destined to be a perfect lady. Elva name is considered to be an abbreviation of the word “Elfrida” which means “truly foreign”. This meaning also signifies an “out of this world” class of grace and beauty.

Adora: Adora means, “The desired one” in English. It is derived from the word “adore”. It also has its counterpart in Spanish and French. In all these languages, it means something along the lines of being cherished and loved. This name originated from a princess in the series called “She-ra”. There is a Princess Adora in those cartoons. This name is perfect for a strong and lovable little bundle of joy. Princess Adora is a princess of power after all.

Amali: Amali is a name of mixed heritage. It has Hebrew, Swahili, and African roots. It is a unisex name. It has a very calm sound to it. It means “hope”. It is a unique name that is bound to leave people thinking about the owner for a long time.

Shirin: Shirin is another form of the name Schirin. It can be spelled in many different ways like Shireen, Shirina, or Schirin. This name has many meanings including, sweetness, beauty, and pleasure. All the meanings are beautiful and charming. People named Shirin are considered to be well-spoken and pleasant people. It is certainly a break from the usual, common names.

Soraya: Soraya is an Arabic name. it is of Persian descent. It means “The seven-pointed”. It actually refers to a constellation of seven stars that are usually called “The bear” in English. In Arab heritage, this collection of brightest stars in the sky is known as the jeweled crown of the heavens. Therefore, the name can sometimes mean “The jewel” or “The precious” in some Arab cultures.

Zita: Zita name has a long history behind it. It is usually known as the short form of the Latin word “Felicitas” which means fertility, happiness, or success. It can also mean “fast” or “rapid”. In Italian, it can mean “virgin” or “young girl”. It has a history behind it. It was the name of a poor girl that had to live with a rich family as a maid. She is recognized as a saint of chastity. If you are looking for an interesting name with a ton of history, Zita would be a good option for you.

Calypso: It is also written as Kalypso. It means “The hiding one”. This name comes from Greek mythology. Kalypso is the name of the demi-goddess fathered by Titan Atlas. She is great beauty and a demi-goddess. Not only is she beautiful but she’s super powerful too. She kept Odysseus captive for seven years. She lived on a hidden island called Ogygia. Odysseus wanted to leave her to return to his wife, but he could not resist her lure. among the moons of Saturn, there is one moon named after her. This name is perfect for all the future girl bosses. It has a certain charm as well as history to it. It is a name you will be lucky to hear once in your whole life.

Haukea: This name is the Hawaiian version of the princess “Snow White”. It is spelled in many different ways like “Haukeah”, “Haukia”, and “Haukiah”. They are all just different versions of this same name. Hawaiian names are always different and interesting. They are very popular these days. Probably thanks to Disney bangers like “Moana”. This name is not very well known currently, but it might end up being a very famous name in the coming years. It is, after all, a totally cool name.

Anjuli: Anjuli is an Indian name that means a gift from the Gods. In India, the name has many different meanings in the context of culture like pure, intellectual, or charming person. Indian names are all the rage due to many beloved characters in movies and seasons. It is a simple but still precious name. It is easy to remember and very hard to forget. It can bring a cultural light into the life of any person.

Faye: The name Faye is derived from the Old English word “faie”, which means “the fairy”. The name Faye can also be derived from the Irish adjective “fay”, which means “clairvoyant”. Irish people always have, as you can see on the one above, kind of a saying for every name. For Faye it’s: She will see everything with the heart. Faye comes in a lot of different spellings, such as Fae, Fay, Fey, Feye. The original Fay, Morgan le Fay, was a sorceress of the Arthurian Legends. Another famous Faye is Faye Dunaway, an American actress, director, producer and screenwriter. She was known for her role in the film “Network”, which she received an Oscar for. She was also seen in “Chinatown” and “Bonnie und Clyde”. By the way, my husband and I discussed whether to call our daughter Feya. Includes the same letters as Faye, but has a completely different meaning. In Albanian, Feya means faith in the sense of religion.

Elara: The name Elara is ancient Greek. In Greek mythology Elara is a nymph, a natural goddess and a lover of Zeus. Zeus hid Elara of his jealous wife Hera deep in the earth, after he had imprisoned her, which is why Tityos is also called the son of Gaia (Gaia is the personified earth in Greek mythology). Elara died at the birth of “Tityos the giant” because of his size – yeah ouch! Therefore she is a symbol of motherly love. According to this Elara, one of the Jupiter’s masters is named. So there is also a moon named Elara. I don’t know of any celebrity named Elara, but I do know that there is a four-star hotel in Las Vegas with the name «Elara by Hilton Grand Vacations», so maybe the owners name is Elara?!

Ondine: Ondines or undines are female elementaries of the water, from the folk beliefs to mermaids. The name comes from the Latin unda, Italian onda, which is called wave; therefore the meaning of the name “wave girl”. In Portugal also in the spelling Ondina possible. Do you know the movie “Ondine” with Colin Farrell? If not, I recommend it to you, it’s a very sweet movie! So if you want to watch it, don’t read any further, because the next paragraph is going to be a spoiler (this is one of the few films where I didn’t see this end coming). In the film, Ondine is a young woman who is pulled out of the sea by a fisherman (Colin Farrell). He and his daughter believe that Ondine is a watery nymph, but in reality she is a Romanian drug smuggler named Joana.

Indigo: Color names are the most appealing and evocative oft he new generation. They have joined flower and jewel names. Indigo is a deep blue-purple dye from plants native to India. The name Indigo is striking for both girls and boys. I mean we all know a Violet, a Hazel, an Olive, maybe even a Lavender, so why not Indigo? I think it’s a cool and modern name, which fits to the present time, in which we no longer have to adhere to certain rules by giving our children their name. We can be free-spirits, and Indigo sounds for me definitely like someone who is a free-spirit. Indigo is the name of a character in the Ntozake Shange novel Sassafrass, Cypress & Indigo, and was used for his daughter by Lou DiamondPhillips (we will come back to this name on the next point!).

Nalani: Some names just drip with divinity and are too good to pass up! Nalani, pronounced nah-LAH-nee, is such a sweet baby name choice filled with great power. The origin oft he name is Hawaiian language and it means “the heavens». Nalani also means “chief,” proving girls can in fact run the world. Back to the meaning «the heavens» – OMG how beautiful it that?! I feel like it’s kind of the name Angel, but more modest, as it doesn’t jump on you right away, only if you google the meaning, you will see what a beautiful meaning it has. It’s also possible to spell the Name in other variations: Nalanie or Nalany. I haven’t found a celebrity with the name Nalani, which makes it a really rare name. I think so far this name is really only use in Hawaii or Hawaiians.

Fleur: The name Fleur is used by the French word for flower. Fleur is the French variant of the girl’s name Flora. Flora is the name of the ancient Roman goddess of spring and comes from the Latin. By the way, Flora is also a very nice name. In Albania, where my husband originally comes from, the name Vlora (spoken Flora) is widespread. It very feminine name as I think. Of course you could also name your daughter after a certain flower, like Rose, Daisy, Iris, Jasmin or Viola, but to give her just the name Fleur is equally beautiful. When I hear Fleur, I automatically think of Fleur Delacour, from Harry Potter, who later becomes Bill’s wife. There is also Fleur de Force, which is a Youtube-personality and makeup artist from England.

Felia: The name Felia is the short form of the name Ophelia, derived from the ancient Greek word “ophelus”. Ophelus means “the helping one” but there is also a Latin meaning, which is “the happy one”. So both meanings, are very different from each other but still very beautiful. What is also very beautiful about Felia, is that you can change the pronunciation depending on the spelling. With the spelling Felia, you would pronunce it with a a long drawn e. But you could also write Feliah, which would make the a long drawn. Say it out lound once, sounds beautiful! There was a Russian ballet dancer, Felia Doubrovska. After completing her studies at the Imperial Ballet School in St. Petersburg, Felia Doubrovska performed with the legendary “Ballets Russes” which made her famous.

Quila: Quila means “The ruling from the gods’ ground” -wow how beautiful, isn’t it? This name also exists in tens of spellings: Quilah, Quyla, Quylla, Quella (English), Quellah, Quilla, Quillah. In my research, I found out that there is a mountain in a wooded region of the Mexican state of Jalisco, which bears the name “Sierra de Quila”. An old mexican lady told me, that Quila is a very special name, not a lot of babies where given, because those who given the name grow to be strong, reliable, and unique. She told me, that the parents feel if the baby can meet this name and often reject the idea with this name because of that. That was so interesting that I had to put that one on the list! Do you know somebody named Quila, if yes does she justice with those characteristics?

Philin: Philin is a female first name of Greek origin and is derived from the Greek words « philein, philéo », which is meaning “the friendly one» or «the lovable one”. Everybody would love to have a name with a meaning this flattering. It is also means “love », « caress” and “kisses”. Philine, Philina, or Philia, are some different varieties you can write Philin. The male counterpart would be Philipp (which also comes in like 100 different writting versions). One of the most prominent names bearers is a figure in Goethe’s novel “Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship”. WHAT you have never read this??? Yeah, me neither! But hey, a little useless knowledge never hurts. After all, you now can indicate if you should see a Philin, like: “Oh exactly, your name features in this piece of writing from Goethe, right?” Let us know in the comments what you think about these names for your baby girl!

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