HomeHAIR COLORBROWN23 Stunning Ash Brown Hairstyles for Brunettes

23 Stunning Ash Brown Hairstyles for Brunettes

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Ash brown is a top choice for brunettes, whether used as a solid shade or with popular techniques like balayage or ombre. This cooler, darker hue reflects light well, giving hair a smooth, shiny appearance. Ash brown is highly sought after on social media and is considered one of the top hair colors for 2024. It’s a versatile shade that complements fair-to-medium skin tones with cool undertones, often referred to as mushroom brown. This multifaceted color can be achieved with a full dye job, ombre, or highlights, and adds chic volume and interest to any look. Explore our curated selections for the best ash brown options if you’re considering this trendy shade!


Ashy Ombre with Lilac Accents

Ashy Ombre With Lilac Accents

The contrasting ash highlights look stunning on dark hair. But these hazy lilac highlights look just stunning. To enhance the impact of the color make your hair curlier and keep your ends straight.

Soft Ash Brown Ombre

Soft Ash Brown Ombre

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If you’re looking to bring some glam on your hair, consider this chic and understated brown ombre. The secret behind this striking style is a seamless blend and the perfect tone.

Hair Long and Medium Ash Brown Hair with Highlights

Long Medium Ash Brown Hair With Highlights

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While having a long, thick, and thick mane is great however, why not make use of clip-in extensions to grow your hair? Ash brown is an incredibly popular shade of brown that’s popular and is found in a variety of popular extensions brands.

Sandy Face Framing Foilyage on Ash Brown Hair

Sandy Face Framing Foilyage On Ash Brown Hair

Foilyage is a technique for hand painting as balayage is, however, each hair section is covered with foil to increase the intensity of the light product. To achieve darker shades on natural black hair, this technique is often employed.

Flawless Ash Brown Balayage

Flawless Ash Brown Balayage

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The cool hairstyle, which is ashy brown, is flawless in every aspect as well as the flawless mix, the stunning cool shade, and the amazing waves. This shade can be worn for months and only use a toner to revive the cool brown color when you keep your hair’s roots naturally.

Dark Ash Brown Sombre

Dark Ash Brown Sombre

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This dark brown sombre, the short form for soft-ombre is stunning and the perfect source of hair admiration. The good thing is that it will last for many months. To maintain the cool color the only thing you need to do is to apply a semi-permanent ash brown hair dye.

Brazilian Brunette Hair Look

Brazilian Brunette Hair Look

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A dark brown hair color with contrast beautiful highlights is the brunette hairstyle that is ideal, so this hairstyle definitely deserving of being on the top list of the Pinterest board. The mix of cooler and warmer shades of this style is suitable for all skin tones.

Deep Chocolate Hair with Ash Brown Highlights

Deep Chocolate Hair With Ash Brown Highlights

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This style is a perfect example of all the most popular hairstyles that include a long, soft edge, soft, silky layers and a mix of dark brown tones. It’s soft and feminine with a subdued 70s style.

Sandy Face Framing Foilyage on Ash Brown Hair

Sandy Face Framing Foilyage On Ash Brown Hair

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Similar to balayage and foileage, it is a method of painting by hand however, every hair piece wraps itself in foil, which helps boost the power of the light product. To create more vibrant colors on natural black hair like this tasty effect it is commonly used.

Mushroom Brown Hair Trend

Mushroom Brown Hair Trend

The color “mushroom-brown” is inspired by nature. It is comprised of various brown and gray tones . It can be created by adding several highlights and downlights. Although it’s not an option that requires minimal maintenance however, it is worth the investment.

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