HomeHAIR COLOR20 Juicy Underlayer Hair Color Ideas You’ll Want to Try

20 Juicy Underlayer Hair Color Ideas You’ll Want to Try

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#11: Silver & Black

The combination of black and silver is an enticing combination. Another instance of the halo technique was applied, in which the silver hue was applied along the hairline to ensure that it sparkles at the top and under the hairline.

Silver Under Hair Dye

#12: Fire & Ice

Opposites attract with this vibrant red and white blonde combination.

Bleached Strands under Dark Red Hair

#13: Jewel Tones

The layers of various colors are a fresh take on the hairstyle of an underlayer. The multiple layers of color keeps people amazed with every style.

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Different Shades Underneath Blonde Strands

#14: Slime Time

Neon green and black are beautiful to look at. These two colors provide a beautiful contrast.

Neon Green Hair Dye

#15: Undercut

This style features the most obvious underlayer. The pixie’s textured cut and the shortest buzzed cut provides the most bold shade of color.

Vibrant Hue of Purple

#16: Yellow Line

These shades complement each other well, but this design is a departure from the usual. The striking line of yellow at the ends is an excellent way to show your creativity.

Yellow Hair Dye Ideas

#17: Money Piece

A money-piece is a dramatic accent of color in the front, perfect for those looking to be a bit bold but not ready to completely commit to a particular color. This style uses two shades of color along the hairline for the appearance of layers.

Pastel Pink Peekaboo Hair with Money Piece

#18: Short Layers

For those who require a splash of color, this style is the best choice. In this particular look the splash of color was positioned underneath short layers, and will remain visible regardless of the look.

Green Hair Color Ideas

#19: Pastel

Everyone is a fan of soft pastel colors. This blonde style with a layer of pastels creates the softest, most romantic fashion.

Pastel Pink Peekaboo Highlights

#20: Watermelon

The watermelon colors look amazing on a cut that is textured. A lot of layers and a great layout like this work well together.

Green and Pink Highlights

This fun collection of styles for underlayers provides amazing ways to alter the appearance of you or your client. Moving away from a traditional shade of hair and adding in a dash of bright and bold can elevate any kind of hair to a new level. Take your time and never forget to let your creativity show through. Perhaps, I will bring you some fresh and innovative styles in the future. my Instagram vanity by rose. I am lucky enough to have amazing clients who provide me with the pleasure of making hair art every day. Check me out. I’m excited to see your amazing and new hairstyles.

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